We are getting closer to some result from all our hard work!
Realizing every product was not as conscious as I would have liked.
Although, many product were either green(recycled or low VOC-chemicals).
For instance, in the bathrooms we used Craig's List to find discarded tiles, rocks from our fav places, No VOC American Pride paint purchased @local Son's and Development(Grass Valley on Idaho-Maryland), weathered wood foraged for towel bars, Greene board for underlayment, Aquamix--no VOC sealer, caulk is green, and light fixture that was purchased was handmade in WA. In the majority of the house we nailed local harvest and milled Madrone hardwood(wood from the Pendola Fire 2003 and milled by one of the oldest mills in Placer-Nevada County). I sealed and waxed with a very low VOC--mostly linseed and caranuba wax w. some driers. The entire house was painted with American Pride--Purchased local @Son's and Development. The BioShield Hardwood Products are purchased @Son's and Development too! Abbey, the main person who helped me @ this small local business, is very patient and helpful!
Bev will appreciate this--Most of our light fixtures were (fake cheap brass coated) painted to look like rusted metal. I still have many tile projects to finish, cabinets to spruce up, caulking, fixing a few base boards, moving books and furniture....