Thursday, October 30, 2008

We are getting closer to some result from all our hard work!
Realizing every product was not as conscious as I would have liked. 
Although, many product were either green(recycled or low VOC-chemicals).
For instance, in the bathrooms we used Craig's List to find discarded tiles, rocks from our fav places, No VOC American Pride paint purchased @local Son's and Development(Grass Valley on Idaho-Maryland), weathered wood foraged for towel bars, Greene board for underlayment, Aquamix--no VOC sealer, caulk is green, and light fixture that was purchased was handmade in WA.  In the majority of the house we nailed local harvest and milled Madrone hardwood(wood from the Pendola Fire 2003 and milled by one of the oldest mills in Placer-Nevada County).  I sealed and waxed with a very low VOC--mostly linseed and caranuba wax w. some driers.  The entire house was painted with American Pride--Purchased local @Son's and Development.  The BioShield Hardwood Products are purchased @Son's and Development too!  Abbey, the main person who helped me @ this small local business, is very patient and helpful!
Bev will appreciate this--Most of our light fixtures were (fake cheap brass coated) painted to look like rusted metal.   I still have many tile projects to finish, cabinets to spruce up, caulking, fixing a few base boards, moving books and furniture....

Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh yeah!

Oh Yeah
As of August....I have an 18 year old and a 19 1/2 year old.
My 19 year old is actually 19 1/2--almost 20.  He tells me--remember when we would brag about getting older?
They are busy with their lives.
And they come back to me with love these days--enjoying spending time together.
I remember when I thought this day would never be here--empty nest...just Ma Ma bird...
Just me again to take care of.
Wierd to spend most of your adult life focusing on something that doesn't need focusing on much anymore.  
That is where the energy comes from to rip my home apart---change results from energy created from friction caused by internal ciaos.  It is very productive in my case!

New Madrone Floor is looking good!

I have been busy! The Floor is almost finished.  I have to wax it today.  Chose Bioshield as our finish.  Two coats of Hard Oil # 9 and two coats of Wax #32. 

Joined the Nevada County Fiber Guild

Like I mentioned in my last post.
I am enthusiastic about creating a Navajo Weaving.
I have been meaning to check out our local Fiber Guild as a knitter/crocheter.
Finally, my interests (and many friends who are members of the Guild)tipped me toward this 
First workshop as a new member was exceptional!   Got a few photos.  Wondering why I did not get  a photo of everyones colors. I took a photo of my samples.  We learned about natural dyes such as cochineal and Indigo.  Cochineal has been talked about in the Navajo Weaving books over and over.  It is a bright red.  However ours turned a more pinky color.  We used a mordant that my have influenced this.  The water was maybe high in minerals--which probably effected the results.

New Mexico

Went to New Mexico in Sept. 08
Way fun!
I have wanted to go to the Georgia O'Keefe Museum forever!
Saw her original landscapes of New Mexico for the first time.
So much art!
I am enthusiastic about weaving a Navajo Rug.
Many sunsets @ the Bell Tower.
Michael Franti  Concert was off the charts!
Much to short of a visit.  We'll go back!

ripping the floor apart

It has been so long since I wrote in my blog.
Got Diego...Diggies...Pumpkin head...sunshine boy...
stopped focusing on being and Artist.
I just am!
Been busy tearing apart our house!
This is my creative outlet!