Will and I went to Merced (Jay and Lori's-LouAnn Mora's sister/bro-in-law from Wisconsin)California for the coming in of the New Year. Saw Marisa Mora as well as Ed and LouAnn Mora @ Jay and Lori's. Also, saw Lori's niece (we met her and her husband @ Marisa's wedding 2 years ago). Not sure why I did not take photos. We had a short, wonderful visit. Ate lots of yummy foods and of course drank fine wines! And Will got to play Dihimen(however you spell it!).
On Friday we drove out of the fog to sunny Pismo. Well, by the time we got there it was dark. But, we saw stars on our night hike thru the dunes. Walking on the beach there is taking chances with your life! Cars are allowed on the beach. And although the speed limit is 15--Many drive like it is a freeway! Crazy...The Snowy Plover were very busy (probably moving their eggs away from the traffic--only to find more traffic! And in Northern Ca they don't want you to walk your dogs on the beach???) Anyways, we had a terrific sunny Saturday! We walked to the pier and in town. Pema and Will walked together. Pema did not loose it once! We even sat in a outdoor restaurant and had lunch! We all enjoyed fish and chips. Not as good as North Coast Brewery in Ft Bragg. But, nice atmosphere. We walked back in misty conditions. Had a nice weekend. Traffic was not to bad on the way back to Nevada City.