Many years ago I lost my momentum to wake up and paint... believing that I did not have an audience. (Although, I am extremely creative-I have not been commercial with my art for many years) My audience seemed very very small. (I was counting the people who talked with me or purchased my art as audience). I admit that I was not spending enough time at Marketing. As many artists may admit...It was not my favorite. My last real attempt at marketing my artwork was a show in Grass Valley, CA. I was not feeling very outgoing on this day. However, I had one woman get so enthusiastic over a small painting (with a style often found in my work at the time)with a type of journaling or words surrounding the subject. Otherwise, I really got very little feedback. Many of the people walked by or through my booth without speaking to me. Thinking back...maybe, my mood/emotional inner wellbeing was detracting them.

A few weeks ago, Linda Miller, a artist and yoga teacher practicing somewhere in Southern
California emailed me. Years ago a friend of hers, who had seen my work (Prayerflags-watercolor)@ a local Studio Tour in Northern California, asked me if she could give my information to Linda(who was beginning her prayer flags project). You can read more about her by clicking her name and going to her blog. She was reminiscing her archives and took the time to let me know. She reminded me that I was part of her project. With an email, a "Blast from the Past", she connected with me again. I had contributed to her 'Prayer Flag' project in 2007 and she

Another person who recently voiced that I had done something to touch him added to this awareness. When I expressed I'd seen my photos on his office walls(he had asked me before if I would mind if he used them). Recently, I had walked into the office at Four Wheel Campers
and seen several photos of my camper in beautiful scenery's that I'd visited. I had sent FWC's , Tom Hanagan, these photos and he had somehow found value in them. Several photos I'd sent were blown up to about 16x20 and behind glass and hanging in the main office hallways. They looked fabulous! The spots I found of beauty were obviously important for him also. When I acknowledge I had seen the photos. He said, "Remember the card you sent me a few years ago?...It is being custom framed." My artwork, a painting in the NW woods of my new red truck and Four wheel camper, had touched someone. Someone that I really admired was touched by my work!
I felt joy by the acknowledgement that I had contributed something to inspire or bring joy to others . I felt valued for my energy and contributions to my world. It made me recognize the value of my ideas. But, mostly it made me recognize that acknowledging a person's contribution OUT LOUD to that person makes it real. It made me aware that even though a persons contributions might seem obvious to him/her or others...It may need to me said out loud.
When we share our positive reactions to someones contribution out loud we are connecting and telling that person they are special. What a joy!